Nnnautodefensas unidas de colombia pdf

The auc once operated in twothirds of the country with approximately 30,000 soldiers. Although close to 900 paramilitary fighters demobilized last year, issues such as paramilitary involvement in drug. The auccommonly referred to as the paramilitariesis an umbrella organization formed in april. Acuerdo entre gobierno nacional y las autodefensas unidas. The group was founded in 1977, from several independent groups active in the 1960s and 1970s. The auc was responsible for retaliations against the farc and eln rebel groups as well as numerous attacks against civilians beginning in. The auccommonly referred to as the paramilitariesis a loose umbrella organization formed in april 1997 to consolidate most local and regional selfdefense groups each with the mission to protect economic interests and combat farc and eln insurgents locally.

Colombias attempt at peace an analysis of the demobilization. In july 2003, the government of president alvaro uribe took the unprecedented step of opening formal peace talks with the auc. The peace process in colombia with the autodefensas unidas. However, the au discarded its counterguerilla mission and turned to the illegal drug trade. As part of the process, the law of justice and peace was ratified in order to provide procedural and judicial benefits, including a maximum prison sentence of eight years and exemption from extradition to the u. Paramilitares y autodefensas 19822003 iepri universidad. These included drug trafficking, displacement, kidnapping, and extortion. Pdf the peace process in colombia with the autodefensas. Auc, united selfdefense force of colombia, united selfdefense group of colombia. Principales bloques, frentes y autodefensas desmovilizadas. The auc once operated in twothirds of the country with approximately.

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